narative text  


A legend is a genre of folklore that consists of a narrative featuring human actions, believed or perceived to have taken place in human history. Narratives in this genre may demonstrate human values, and possess certain qualities that give the tale verisimilitude.


Once upon a time, there are a god and goddess which were detained for breaking the rules. They both then were sentenced to live the rest of their life in the world while doing good deeds. During their time on earth the God was turned into a dog named Tumang and the the Goddess turned into a swine named Wayung Hyang.

Tumang was owned by a king named Sumbing Prabangkara and live in the palace. Both become good friend, and stick like a glue. One day, King Sumbing decided to go for hunt to the nearest forest. Apparently, it’s the forest where Wayung Hyang lives.

At the forest, the king needed to do his thing, and apparently his pee was cupped in a coconut shell. Little did they know, Wayung Hyang who felt thirsty and found the ‘water’ in coconut shell drank it and she became pregnant. 9 month after the pregnancy, right after Wayung Hyang gave birth, the king back to hunt on the same forest.

He heard a baby crying, looking for it, and found a lovely baby girl. He took the baby to the palace withourt knowing that it was his daughter and named her Dayang Sumbi.

Long story short, Dayang Sumbi grew up to be a loveliest girl in the country. Lots of prince quarreled and fought over her. Dayang Sumbi who felt uncomfortable chose to remain silent and move to the middle of nowhere where no one knows her. There she lives only with Tumang, her bestfriend.

She spend her live weaving clothes with traditional loom she has. One day the loom was fallen to the ground and she was too lazy to pick it up. She swore to herself anyone who brought her the loom if she’s a girl then she will consider her as her sister, and if he was a man then she would marry him.

Suddenly, Tumang appeared and bring her the loom. As her promised, she married Tumang. As his husband Tumang revealed himself and turn himself to be a lovely God only when the full moon comes. Daang Sumbi then became pregnant in no time.  The king was so angry to hear about this. He casted her out of his family name and told her to live far away from the palace.

Long story short, Dayang Sumbi has a prettiest baby boy you could ever see. She named him Sangkuriang. He grew up to be a descent strong pretty guy who loves her mother without knowing that the dog who happened to stay with him all along was his father.

One day, Dayang Sumbi sent him to go for hunt. She told her son that she wanted a deer heart for dinner. Sangkuriang took Tumang to go with him. Yet, he couldn’t found any deer after three days of hunting. He was too afraid of going home with an empty hand.

Suddenly, he saw a pig and asked Tumang to go for it. Tumang remained silence since he knew it was Wayung Hyang, her granny. Sangkuriang was so upset and point her bow and arrow to Tumang. Accidentally he got shot and died.

Tumang asked him to get his heart to be given to his mother. This young guy cried with tears for he couldn't bear the sadness of losing his best friend. He took Tumang's heart as he wish and came home to her mom. 

Dayang Sumbi was so happy to have her son back. Yet, she was curious why didn’t Tumang came along. She asked Sangkuriang where Tumang was. But Sangkuriang kept silent and didn’t tell the truth. Dayang Sumbi who have a good instinct found out that it was Tumang’s heart. She hit Sangkuriang on his head and then casted him out.

Time flew by, Sangkuriang has grown up to be a good looking man with well-built body. Meanwhile Dayang Sumbi who was a descendant of Goddess was given an eternal beauty and stays forever young. Sangkuriang who wandered anywhere, one day reached his house yet he couldn’t remember that it was his former residence.

Dayang Sumbi didn’t recognize him either when they met around the house. They both fell in love and planned to get married soon. On the day of their marriage, Dayang Sumbi fixed Sangkuriang’s bang. She found a scar on his head and remembered her old forgotten son.

Dayang Sumbi then called out the marriage and explained everything to Sangkuriang. Blinded by his love, Sangkuriang couldn’t take the explanation and kept resisting marrying his own mom. He even threatened that he will destroy everything he found. Dayang Sumbi who knew that Sangkuriang has such God power felt threatened with it.

She then thought of an idea on how to defect the marriage. She gave Sangkuriang a term that she thought he won’t be able to fulfill. In order to marry her, he needed to build her a huge lake along with the boat just in a night. If he could fulfill it then she would marry him.

Sangkurinag with his Godey superpower asked the genies and spirits to help his work done in just a few hours before the dawn. Dayang Sumbi who didn’t expect that to happen was so surprised and thought of an idea. She made a huge fire in the east to decoy Sangkuriang so he thought the dawn had coming.

The genies that thought it was the dawn were afraid of the sunlight run away and left Sangkuriang alone. Sangkuriang was so mad that couldn’t finish his work. The coconut shell he used to dig the ground was thrown to the East and becomes Mount Manglayang.

Sangkuriang kicked away the boat he made and apparently it was laid down on the back. The boat then turned into Mount Tangkuban Perahu. Tangkuban Perahu literally means upside down boat. Yes, believe it or not, the mountain looks like an upside down boat. (*) 


Fable is a literary genre defined as a succinct fictional story, in prose or verse, that features animals, legendary creatures, plants, inanimate objects, or forces of nature


One day a mouse was in search of food in the forest. While searching it came near the den of a lion and smelt something very good. Guided by the smell, it went inside the den and found several pieces of meat of an animal that was eaten by the lion. The mouse ate quite a few pieces. Seeing the many pieces that are left over there, it has decided to stay on so that it can eat it in the night also. Having eaten so much meat it was fast asleep within minutes.

It has become dark and the Lion returned to its den. Since it was dark it could not see the mouse sleeping on the floor. The Lion had brought with it a piece of a lamb and ate it fully, leaving the bones aside.

The Lion after sometime had slept off and started snoring loudly. The lion’s snoring woke up the mouse. The mouse ran helter-skelter and bumped on the lion’s leg. The mouse felt the fur on the leg smooth and started exploring it. As it reached the ear of the lion, the lion got disturbed and woke up with a sudden jerk that made the mouse slip down. Who is here? – the lion roared. The little mouse with a feeble voice replied, “ I am a mouse here”. How dare you disturb my sleep and where are you? – again shouted the lion.

I am sorry and I am here – said the mouse. The Lion lit a lamp and searched for the mouse. It found the den very clean with no pieces of meat and bones and finally it saw a mouse in a corner of its den shivering with fear. The mouse looked pretty. The lion thought for a while. It thought that since the mouse was here its den is kept clean otherwise it would be stinking with meat pieces and bones all around. Why not allow this mouse to be here so that it keeps the den clean by eating away the bones and leftover meat – thus the lion thought about.

Ok tell me why did to enter my den? – The lion continued its question.

The mouse replied with folded hands: I was in search of food and the smell of the bones and meat pieces lead me to your den. I am sorry, I shall leave now, please allow me go”.

Ok, if you want to stay here you can do so, but you shall not disturb my sleep.

The fear of the mouse did not reduce. So it has repeated:” Please allow me go”.

Seeing the mouse in that fearful condition, the lion felt sorry for it and said in a very soft tone: Oh little mouse do not get frightened. Just listen to me carefully. I hunt everyday and bring the carcass of some animal. I do not eat it fully. You are a small animal and hence you can easily eat the leftovers and be happy. If you like eating like this without searching for food, you can stay here.

The mouse was surprised and with happiness it said “ Yes Mr. Lion, I shall stay in the den” One more condition: Said the lion.

You must keep the den clean by eating all the leftover pieces of meat and bones. If you can not eat fully, you shall carry them away and keep the den clean.

OK Mr. Lion said the mouse.

OK now you sleep in that corner and I shall sleep here in the middle of the den: saying this the lion went to sleep.

Both the lion and the mouse were fast asleep. The mouse has a habit of rolling freely on the floor while sleeping. So, by midnight the mouse came nearer to the lion and started feeling its warmth and went further deep into the sleep. In the sleep it started comforting itself by placing itself in the fold of the lion’s leg.

The lion too felt it OK and adjusted its leg to allow the mouse to sleep. The early rays of the sun passing through the crack in the den fell on the lion’s eyes and made it wake up. As it opened its eyes, it found the mouse sleeping innocently well on its leg.

The lion watched the mouse for sometime and later it woke up the mouse gently with its paw. The mouse woke up and looked straight into the face of the lion that appeared so big as it was very close. It cried loudly and tried to jump out but prevented gently by the lion.

Do be frightened, you have slept on my leg and hence I woke you up: said the lion. Looking straight into the eyes of the lion the mouse broke into peels of laughter. Seeing mouse the lion too started laughing.

Together the lion and the mouse lived forever….

©2007 IVNS Raju


A fairy tale is a short story that belongs to the folklore genre. Such stories typically feature magic, enchantments, and mythical or fanciful beings. In most cultures, there is no clear line separating myth from folk or fairy tale; all these together form the literature of preliterate societies


Once upon a time in a land far far away

lived an amazingly beautiful girl

Cinderella's mother had passed away a very long time ago

This is my her father had brought her up

One day when Cinderella's father remarried her life had changed dramatically

Her father's new wife and her two stepsisters had moved to Cinderella's house

Since the first time they met, her stepmother couldn't stand the sight of Cinderella

She and her two daughters were extremely jealous of Cinderella's beauty and kind heart

Cinderella's stepsisters were not beautiful as she was

and besides they were rude and spoilt

One day

Due to work reasons, Cinderella's father had to leave on a long journey

And that was the time when Cinderella's stepmother and stepsisters turned her life into a living hell

While Cinderella was in the garden talking to her very beloved birds

Her stepmother approached her

As of today you will live in the attic.

You will do all the housework. Also, I don't want you walking around in these clothes.

Cinderella didn't know what to say. Helplessly, she did what she was told

She packed her stuff and moved to the attic

After that days Cinderella began to do all the housework all on her own

She used to get very tired, but neither her stepmother or her stepsisters felt sorry for her

Wipe the floor again. Can't you see it's still dusty. You haven't done the laundry. I have nothing proper to wear

Cinderella had no friends other than the mice and the birds that used to come to her window

Due to the cold, secretly at nighttime

Cinderella would go downstairs to the chimney and warm up near the dying fire and fall asleep

As the days went on by, one day in the town an announcement was made by the kingdom

Our prince will be holding a ball at the castle all the girls who are eligible for marriage are

Invited to this ball

As soon as the stepsisters heard about this invitation there ran home and told their mother

You will be the most beautiful girls at the ball. The prince must pick one of you

That way we will all live in the palace right mother.

We must get some gowns and shoes for you girls

Move along we're going shopping

The stepmother and stepsisters left the house hearing all that was talked about with a sad face

Cinderella stood there and watched

3:25The preparations went on for days. Both the stepsisters had their gowns sewn

Every day that would go in front of the mirror and tell themselves. We will be the most beautiful girls in the ball

Finally the big day had arrived. The stepsisters had woken up very early that morning and so they called Cinderella

Cinderella, Cinderella

Come here. Where have you been? Hurry and prepare our baths?

All day Cinderella helped her stepsisters get ready

Hey brush it gently, you are going to pull it out.

Towards the evening, they had finished all their preparations for the ball

You look beautiful girls. Just beautiful.

Cinderella built up all her courage

and asked her stepmother

Can I come to the ball too, please?

Who you?

Yes, well, it's said that all the young girls can come

Is this your dress for the ball?

The prince is looking for a wife not for a maid my dear

Come on girls

Let's not be late for the ball and you make sure that you've finished all the chores before you go to bed

Her stepmother and her stepsisters made their way to the castle

And all on her own at home, Cinderella began to cry


My god I go to the castle too, if my parents were here none of this would have happened

Right at that moment a very bright light appeared

At first Cinderella did not understand what it was. She was staring at the light and suddenly

a beautiful fairy appeared in the middle of the light

My beautiful Cinderella, don't cry. You too will go to the ball at the castle

Cinderella could not believe her eyes. She asked in shock. Can I go? Just look at me..

Do not worry. I'm here to help you. Now bring me a pumpkin and

Seven mice

Cinderella could not understand why she wanted these things. But still she did as she was told

First she went to the kitchen and grabbed a big pumpkin

Then she went to the attic, got home mice friends and went down again

With her magic wand the fairy turned the pumpkin into a beautiful horse carriage

Then she turned to the mice

One of them turned into the driver and the other six of them turned into beautiful white horses

Amazed as she was

Cinderella was looking at the horse carriage

The fairy turned to her. When she touched her with the magic wand

Cinderella's all dress turned into a beautiful ball gown

And the slippers on her feet turned into beautiful glass shoes

I look like a princess

Now it is time to go to the ball, but don't forget. You must be home when the clock strikes 12:00

Because by then everything will turn back to what they were

Cinderella, listen to the fairy very carefully

then she hopped on her carriage and

Started to ride towards the castle

Her mesmerizing carriage stopped in front of the castle

When Cinderella entered through the grand doors to the ballroom, all the eyes were on her

She looked so beautiful and elegant

Her stepmother and even her stepsisters could not stop looking at this beautiful lady

They of course could not recognize her

Suddenly the prince appeared on the stairs

Cinderella really stood out amongst all the young women at the ball

The Prince fell in love with the first sight of this beautiful young woman

With everyone watching curiously, he began walking down the stairs and slowly

approached her

The stepsisters were very excited because the prince was coming towards them.

Ah, he's coming to me.. Noo he's coming to me!

But the Prince passed on by and

stopped in front of Cinderella

Most beautiful young lady. Would you please allow this dance to me?

Cinderella nodded politely

The prince and Cinderella began to dance amongst the curious looks of all the invitees

Cinderella was so captivated by the music and the dance

She felt like as if she and the prince were the only ones in the ballroom

They dance nonstop all night long

Of course Cinderella could not feel how time had past

At some point the big clock caught her eye

It was almost midnight

Right at that moment

Cinderella remembered the fairies warning

You must be home when the clock strikes 12:00. Because by then everything will turn back to what they were

With a panic, Cinderella began to run and left the prince behind

When she was running down the stairs of the castle

She dropped one of her shoes

but she did not even have time to go back and collect it. When she ran further, the clock struck midnight and

everything turned back to what they were before

When the prince went out after her, he spotted her shoe on the stairs

Find the owner of this shoe. Even if you have to get all the girls in the kingdom to try it. Just find her!

Cinderella came home breathless and went straight up to the attic.

She started thinking about the night she had with the prince

She knew she had no chance, but still she had fallen in love with him

It was almost impossible for the prince to find her and even if he did he would never recognize her

The prince's men went door-to-door to every house in the kingdom

and looked for the young girl who owned this shoe

But the shoe did not fit any of these girls

In the end the prince's men came by Cinderella's house

Cinderella was very happy to see the king's carriage in front of the house

Right when she was about to leave her room

her stepmother appeared at the door

And where do you think you are going? You want to try the shoe, too?

With a sarcastic laugh, the stepmother locked the door to the attic

No, please stop, open the door please..

How pathetic.. What would the prince have in common with you?

The men first let the old skinny sister try the shoe, but it was too small for her feet

Look how beautifully it fit my foot?

Then the younger chubby sister tried the shoe. But a chubby foot did not even get in the shoe

Maybe if we had tried it on my other foot

Whatever they did it just would not work

Finally Cinderella's last try was to run to the window, but it was too high

So she began crying

Seeing her crying, her mice friends came next to her. My stepmom locked me in

She must have the key

One of the mice slipped underneath the door and ran downstairs. The stepmother was at the door with the prince's men

Ehm.. Why don't you come tomorrow today? They're a little tired their feet must be swollen

The mouse jumped on the stepmothers skirt and snatching the keys out of her pocket, ran upstairs

He slipped the keys under the door

Cinderella was very happy when she saw the key

Opening the door she ran down as fast as she could

How... How did you get out?!

Please stop, don't go! I want to try the shoe, too

The stepmother and her two daughters started to laugh hysterically

Please sush.. It is the prince's orders that every girl in the kingdom must try the shoe

When Cinderella tried the shoe on, everybody was in shock. Because it fitted her perfectly

Young lady, are you the owner of this shoe?

Cinderella nodded to confirm.

Please come to the palace with us

Cinderella went to the castle with the prince's men. And they took her in front of the prince

Right when he looked in her eyes the prince knew it was her who danced with him that night

He held her hands, I finally found you my princess

Would you marry me?

With teary eyes from happiness, she accepted the prince's offer

They got married and lived happily ever after


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